So in the spirit of people resurrecting blogs - I figured I might as well jump in the mix as well. This is more of a life update entry rather than any riding or adventure talk. I hope to jump back in the mix here soon as life is kinda getting back to some kind of normalcy.
My life took a pretty dramatic turn to WTF land back in July when my wife of 16 years said she wanted to separate. I'm not going to get into details of that or anything but suffice to say that the whirlwind ended with our divorce in November. Truthfully, I'm still reeling a bit from this, but I can only control myself so I'm doing my best to move on and be the best person and dad that I can. One day at a time.
Because life can be a cruel mistress, the week prior to my divorce going final, I was given the diagnosis of cancer. Melanoma. For the first time in my life, I really honestly felt that first twinge of my own mortality. That taste is/was terrifying, especially as a now single dad with two early teen daughters.
The two months following that were agonizing. Cut shit off my ear, analyze. Nope, we didn't get it all. More cutting. Oh hey, what's this on your back, we should look at that. Mercifully, four procedures on my ear later (only one needed on my back), they officially got all the cancer. I was lucky they caught it early, before it migrated anywhere. I'm very thankful.
So three words to all you outdoorsy adventure people. WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN.
Also - get annual skin cancer checks. This is all pretty manageable if caught early, but it will fuck you up if you let it. I now have to go get skin cancer checks four times a year, plus additional eye/dental/general practitioner checks. Small price to pay to stay in front of this.
Moving on...
I did a lot of hiking over the last six months - just easier logistically for now since my schedule has been tight and I don't have "wife backup" anymore. I can walk right from my house and get to a good hiking trailhead, so I have a reliable workout right there without needing to worry about mechanical issues on the bike that could delay me. Got some rides in, but nothing notable. Just trying to keep some semblance of fitness.
So where does that leave me? Over the last couple weeks I have felt a bit of a shift. I feel like I am beginning to move forward. The AZTR is calling my name again - and good thing because I need a driver to get me back in shape. This year is out, but 2019 it's going to happen again. I'm not sure which flavor yet. Likely the 300. You never know though...
I hope to see my friends out on the trails this year. Shooting for first AES appearance in Prescott in April - should be in decent shape by then. I will be heading south to the border for the AZTR start this year since I committed to shuttling legend John Schilling down to the start. I'm gonna get that Seis burrito this year!
Peace my friends. May 2018 bring you all many adventures and no bull shit.